Friday, May 1, 2015

Cameron Arsenault (16) Making Mozzarella

"It sounds like fun to me!"  (And it was!)

It seems to us that by now everybody should know how it is easy to make Mozzarella with our 30 minute recipe.  After all, we've been selling our kit for 17 years!

But, alas, there are many people out there who have no idea that they can make their own cheese, and, of course, it's our mission to teach them.  

We talk about it to everyone who will listen and Cameron Arsenault from Millers Falls, MA listened.  He had no idea that he could make cheese and he thought it would be fun.

Of course, that's the whey Cameron rolls - he'll try anything and most of the time he loves it.  He's a sophomore in the 4 Rivers Charter School and he has a very wide range of interests:  Anime (Japanese animation), Body Kombat, Ultimate Frisbee, and even Zumba, a high-aerobic dance exercise class.

Cameron's anime character is named Eridan

Cameron took to making Mozzarella like a duck to water and now he's a cheese maker:

Reading the directions

Cutting the rennet tablet

Good job!

Dissolving the rennet

Pouring the milk into the pot

Stirring while heating

Adding the rennet in an up and down motion

Checking directions while waiting for the milk to set

Not quite ready

Cutting the curds

Transferring the curds to a bowl

Whey keeps coming out of the curds

After the first heat in the microwave

Finally, the fun part

Now let's eat!


  1. I love that the clock is right there so we can see his time progression- great photos!!

  2. Thanks, Rose. It was purely coincidental!

  3. Loved the photo series! How do you store the mozzarella once it is made? In water, brine, or whey? How long does it stay fresh tasting? If brine, what is the recipe? Or simply wrap in plastic wrap? What about for the small balls, don't they need a brine? How does this compare in texture to the cheese made from cultures and longer time?


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