Monday, August 15, 2011

Coeur a la Creme with Suzanne McMinn

Another challenge met!
By Suzanne McMinn at Chickens in the Road

This month, as part of my ever adventurous cheese challenge for New England Cheesemaking, I’m taking part in NEC’s month-long celebration of the Cheese Queen’s wedding with the sweet, the delicious, and the romantic Coeur a la Creme.  (Note: Ricki and Jamie were married August 21, 2011.)

By the way, do you think the groom gets to be the Cheese King now? Or the Cheese Prince Consort? Will they cut the cheese instead of the cake? Will they drive away in a cheesemobile? Will they honeymoon on the Isle of Brie and be hand-fed crackers by Keebler elves? Do these and many other such questions explain why I have no wedding invitation? Were you invited? No? Ricki? Ricki! We love you! Oh never mind.

But, hark! Lo and although we have no ticket to the cheese castle, we can take part in the fun! It all starts with fromagina, Ricki Carroll’s own unique soft cheese concoction. Fromagina is a cross between fromage blanc and mascarpone. It delivers a rich, creamy cheese that is perfect for sweet and savory spreads as well as dessert recipes. It’s also sinfully simple to make. (Fromagina comes as a direct-set culture and is available from New England Cheesemaking.) It’s a perfect soft cheese to use for Coeur a la Creme in these adorable heart-shaped molds.

We’re headed here:
This cheese is best made with farm-fresh or local milk, either slow-pasteurized (at 145 degrees for 30 minutes) or used raw. If you’re using pasteurized store-bought milk, add 1/2 teaspoon calcium chloride directly to the milk when you put it in the pot. Do NOT use ultra-pasteurized milk.

How to make Fromagina:

1 gallon whole milk
1 direct-set packet fromagina starter

Heat the milk to 86 degrees (F). Add the starter packet and stir to mix thoroughly. (The culture itself includes rennet, so no additional rennet is required.)

Let the milk set at room temperature, undisturbed, for 12 hours, until it forms a curd.
Ladle into butter muslin and hang to drain for 6-12 hours, or until you achieve your desired consistency. (Less hanging time for a creamier cheese, longer for a more dry cheese.)

That’s it! Refrigerate until ready to serve.
This is possibly the easiest soft cheese in the world, which makes it a great one for beginners.

Now for the fun part–the Coeur a la Creme! Which means we get to play with heart-shaped molds! Heart-shaped anything is not just for Valentine’s Day. It’s for weddings (such as the Cheese Queen’s), engagement parties, birthdays, anniversaries, a romantic dinner, or just for kicks.

Note: Coeur a la Creme traditionally includes the use of raw egg whites, which is a concern for many people today. According to the American Egg Board, egg whites do not readily support bacterial growth (as yolks do). However, to be safe, you can cook the whites with sugar, beating over hot water or on low heat until soft peaks form. (Without sugar, the whites will coagulate too fast. The recommendation is two tablespoons sugar per egg white.) Check the temperature as you beat the whites–they must either slow-pasteurize at 145 degrees for 30 minutes (a bit long for beating, but humidity is not a meringue’s best friend, so the double-boiler method does take some time) or fast-pasteurize at 165 for 30 seconds. If you’re not comfortable with home pasteurization, you may also use either liquid or powdered pasteurized egg white products, or buy pasteurized eggs.

Always remember and never forget that egg safety is of particular importance for young children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

If you want to home pasteurize your whites, here is how I do it, based on the above guidelines.

I make a double boiler (makeshift, using canning rings), and because I’m not very patient, I use a higher temperature to pasteurize quickly at 165. I set my gas cooktop at 8 (which is medium-high). I was making a double Coeur a la Creme batch, so I used four large egg whites with 1/2 cup sugar.
I put the sugar and the whites in the pot and started beating.
It took about 15 minutes to reach 165, by which time it was also approaching stiff peaks.

I took the pot off the stove and continued to beat for another minute or two. Stiff peaks! All done!
After transferring the mixture to a cool bowl, I put it in the fridge for about 20 minutes to chill before continuing with the recipe.

You can use this technique for any recipe you may have that calls for raw beaten egg whites folded into a mixture that will not be further cooked (such as frostings). FYI, for recipes that include a liquid wherein the egg whites can be combined (such as a hollandaise sauce or homemade mayonnaise), you can pasteurize eggs with the liquid in the recipe. I have a tutorial for that here.

This recipe makes enough for two 4-inch wide heart-shaped molds. I doubled the recipe to fill four molds.

How to make Coeur a la Creme:

1 cup (8 ounces) fromagina
1 tablespoon granulated sugar*
1 tablespoon heavy cream
2 egg whites, beaten until stiff

*If you pasteurize your egg whites with sugar as outlined in the note above, you will be adding 4 tablespoons of sugar to the whites in the beating process instead of 1 tablespoon as per the recipe. (It’s okay. I did it this way. Tasted delicious and not too sweet at all.) If using liquid or powdered pasteurized egg white products or pasteurized eggs, simply follow the recipe as directed.

Combine the cheese, sugar (if not beating sugar with the whites), and cream. Fold in the egg whites.
Spoon into individual, lined heart-shaped molds, placed in a pan or on a baking sheet. The instructions call for butter muslin. I used disposable cheesecloth.
Because that’s just how I roll.
It worked fine.

Chill in the refrigerator for 6-10 hours before serving.
To unmold, invert each mold on a serving dish.
Lift away the mold.
Gently remove the lining.
If you need to, you can smooth the heart lightly with a butter knife to make it look a little bit more perfect.
Serve chilled! (Or frozen. I’ve also tried this frozen–it freezes well and is a very rich, delicious dessert treat in hot weather.) Add fresh berries or other fruit. Drizzle chocolate sauce or a fruit syrup. Sprinkle grated chocolate or nuts. Anything you want. It’s very similar to an individual cheesecake. Only richer.

It makes a very pretty presentation, and it’s scrumptious. You can also make a Coeur a la Creme savory by adding coarse ground black pepper or garlic to the mixture and topping with a pepper relish, some chutney, or finely chopped vegetables–and serve it with crackers.

Coeur a la Creme with blueberry sauce.
Oh, my. Bye-bye!


  1. I would love to win! I have this great idea to give cheese kits to everyone for Christmas, and spread around the cheese-making joy. Please pick me! Thanks so much for all of your great newsletters and blog entries ...!

    Kathi Petersen

  2. Please enter me. How fun!

  3. This looks delicious. I am trying to expand my cheesemaking list. I think this will be on it.

  4. I have to try this! Fromagina is one of my favorite cheeses. Count me in!

  5. Here's my entry for the drawing. And congratulations on the upcoming nuptials, Ricki & Jamie!

  6. Fabulous! Gorgeous color too!

  7. Congrats on your wedding! I'd love to be entered in the drawing for $120 worth of cheese supplies. :)

  8. Looks delicious. I would love to win!

  9. I'd like to be entered to win. Thanks!

  10. All I can say is O-M-G... Yum!!! I'd like to enter!

  11. this looks very very delicious!!!! Please enter me for the giveaway!

  12. Please enter my name. I would love to begin making cheese.

  13. I would love to win this. Cheesemaking looks so interesting.

  14. It does look delicious! I luv Suzanne's site too.

    I'd luv to try making cheese, just haven't gotten the nerve to do it yet.

  15. looks delicious! Please enter me in the drawing

  16. Congrats Cheese King and Queen! I'd love to win.

  17. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!

    I would love to be entered.

  18. Oh wow I have my fingers crossed for this one!!

  19. Wow! You're getting married....congratulations to you both! May your days be long and filled with joy!

    And a bushel of happiness to the winner.....hope it's me :)

  20. Congrats! I would love to win this awesome prize!

  21. Suzanne is the person who inspired me to make cheese, and I have to say I love that picture you made of her up at the top of the post lol.

    Happy birthday to both of you, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I hope you're blessed with many years filled with joy, love and bounty.

  22. I love Ricki's site, and all the wonderful people there and in this community who help fledgling cheese makers, answer their questions and encourage new things!
    Congrats to Jamie & Ricki on their wedding & birthdays!
    Love you guys!

  23. Congratulations on the big day (and the birthdays)!!

    My mom is almost done with her cheese making certification (we live in Wisconsin), and will soon be making goat cheese to sell in our county! So much exciting new. :)

  24. Congratulations on your nuptials!

  25. Congratulations! Happy Birthday! I need more cheese making kits!

    Toni Incoraia
    Noni Bacca Winery

  26. Congratulations!! What a wonderful gift for us.

  27. this all look so delicious and I really enjoyed your prenuptial email!

  28. Hm. My earlier post didn't! Anyway, congratulations on the wedding and the birthday. I would love to win this prize!

  29. I can feel it: this post will be the winning entry!! I actually was intending to order a copy of the book today, so maybe I'll just wait for the random giveaway. Your wedding album lifted my spirits today. Thanks for the good humor and good news.

  30. Congratulations on your wedding! It's been a while since I've made cheese, but I found a nearby source for raw milk, and this Moosletter was just the kick I need to give it a go again!

  31. this looks very very delicious! Please enter me for the giveaway! I am a cheese lover too. :)

  32. Long live the King and Queen. It appears you will reign forever in many
    People's hearts.

  33. Please enter me in the contest, too! And congratulations!

  34. This looks delicious! Congratulations to you both.

  35. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to my 101 class this fall. :)

  36. That looks delicious! I'd love to be entered.

  37. We are celebrating our wedding on August 27th... love is in the air! Congratulations!

  38. Love your blog. Glad I found it.

  39. Congratulations! I just loved the wedding moosletter :)

  40. Please enter me- and thank you for your sharing your cheesemaking knowledge!

  41. Ooooo, I cannot wait to try this recipe!

    And I'd also love to be entered for the drawing, thank you!

  42. Congrats on the wedding!

    $120 can make a lot of gouda cheese...hardeharhar...

  43. Congrats on the royal wedding! What a marvelous giveaway to host in honor of the special day!

  44. Congratulations! I love your pre-wedding email--it made my day.

  45. May you have a very long and happy marriage! Enjoy it all along the "whey"

  46. Congratulations, keep the Moo's coming.

  47. May you have a very happy and loving life together - enjoy it all along the "whey"

  48. Fabulous pre-wedding Moosletter. Even with my big computer monitor I did not get the joke about Italy until I scrolled up and down a couple of times. Congratulations!

  49. Congratulations on your birthdays and your wedding day!!

  50. Congrats on your upcoming day! I loved to win this prize.

  51. Ooo! That looks wonderful! I'd love to win!

  52. Congrats on your upcoming day! I'd love to win this prize.

  53. Congratulations on your wedding and happy birthday to you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. Congrats May your lives run together like a well-aged brie on a hot summer day

  55. Congratulations! Best wishes for your new life together! And now, selfishly, I must ask you to please enter me in the contest.

  56. Congratulations to you BOTH!!!
    Thank you for this generous offer to us in this contest...
    We wish the Royal Couple much happiness!!
    THANK you from all of us in cheesemaking land!

  57. Congratulations to you both! Viva la reine et la roi!

  58. Wishing you muchazzarella happiness...I'm feeling lucky....

  59. Thank you for sharing the details about your royal wedding! Such fun.
    Please enter me in the drawing as well... My cow is due to freshen next month, and that means.... CHEESE!

  60. Congratulations! May the Best of your past be the Worst of your future.

    Please enter me in your generous give-away.

  61. Damn it, your newsletter made me cry at my desk. Love the Scrabble proposal! You guys are dolls -- MAZEL TOV!

  62. May your lives be rich and sweet like coeur a la creme. Congratulations!

  63. Good luck on your up coming wedding. Here's to you both and a wonderful future! ( Hopefully with lots of cheese making!)

  64. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

  65. congratulations on you wedding! many blessings to you both!

  66. This looks fabulous! I'll have to make it soon!

  67. Congratulations to you both! May your house be filled forever with song and cheese!

  68. I LOVED the MOOSLETTER!!! Congrats to you!

    Please enter me too :)

    Sue S.

  69. Congratulations to you both! You have made such a difference in so many peoples lives. Blessings!

  70. Congratulations and Best Wishes!!

  71. Congratulations! I'd like to enter the contest.

  72. Have an amazing wedding! Enter me in the contest too please.

  73. Yeah for wedding bells! I love your products and your books - you are my cheese-making guru! Please enter me in the contest :)
    Happy Wedding Day!

  74. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Who knew the wedding saying “something blue” would mean a block of Gorgonzola? I wish you a life filled with joy and plenty oc cheese.

    Annette Simonds

  75. Congratulations Ricki and Jamie! I'd love to expand my cheese repertoire!

  76. oh I would love to get more supplies to try different cheeses... Congrats on your upcoming wedding...

  77. I love all the cheese recipes you send in the moosletter. I just invented a raspberry almond cheesecake bar using the quark from a prior one. I would LOVE to win this prize so I can feed my cheesemaking slavery. Happy wedding!

  78. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Who knew the wedding saying “something blue” would mean a block of Gorgonzola? I wish you a life filled with joy and plenty oc cheese.

    Annette Simonds

  79. I want to learn to make cheese like you do....

  80. Love your cheese stories. I have tried a few. Some good results some not so good. Best wishes!

  81. Best wishes on the marriage. Please give me the cheese prize.

  82. Queen Ricki is getting married! Sir Jamie her king to be. Big cheeses will attend. Sharp Cheddar, Smooth Ricotta,and Stretchy Mozzarella all in grand attire. A little wine and a bit of bread, let the celebration begin. We raise a glass whey up high to cheer the Queen and King.

  83. Seeing the beautiful pictures of you too makes me so happy & makes me smile to remember meeting my own handsome husband. We've now been married 10 incredible years. I want to shout it from the rooftop, that it IS possible to be happy in marriage. Instead, I'm going to forward your email to every single person I know.

    I wish I'd been the one to introduce the 2 of you! In my next career I'm a matchmaker.

  84. Grats to the both of you!

    Charlotte, NC

  85. You made that look way too easy - now I have to try it! Congrats and best wishes!

  86. love your funky house! congratulations on your marriage

  87. So a question from someone who is turning 60 in two months, is 120 really the new 100?

  88. Congratulations on the wedding! I'm waiting for my heifer to deliver her calf this winter so I can start making cheese and butter.

  89. Congratulations!!

    I'd love to win this prize! : )

  90. Mmmm. Egg whites in cheese?! Haven't tried making one like this yet! Congratulations on the wedding and please enter me in the drawing! :)

  91. So from someone who's turning 60 in two months, is 120 the new 100?

  92. Congrats on the wedding!! Please enter me into the drawing.

  93. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your joy, and your cheesemaking wisdom with the world!

  94. Huge congratulations. I am so happy for you two!! All the best wishes. :)

  95. CONGRATS!!! Cheese and Love - what more can we ask for???

  96. Pick me!
    Congratulations and grand love to you.
    Pick me!

  97. Congratulations! This looks yummy!

  98. Congratulations and love the cheese recipes, keep 'em coming!

  99. I love to make cheese! But, I haven't mastered it yet, and need this book to be just like the Cheese Queen! Congrats to the happy Queen and King!

  100. Congratulations! Now I must go try Fromagina. I make cheese weekly but have never tried it! Thanks Dina-Marie

  101. Thanks for all your pictures and easy step-by-step instructions for making cheese...and Congrats to Ricki and Jamie!

  102. Ricki & Jamie.. congrats! After several months of distracted cooking, I'm finally back to cheese making pursuits following my wedding last weekend. I was going to start with Marscapone, but all of this romance, along with the complimentary jams we were gifted, makes Coer la Creme our top choice. Cheers, congrats, and long live cheese royalty!

  103. Congratulations to the Cheese Royalty! Best wishes to you both, and best luck to everyone hoping for a wonderful prize!

  104. Mazel Tov! May your home and hearts be blessed with many years of peace, love, and cheesiness!

    Happy birthdays and happy wedding

  105. Congratulations to Ricki and Jamie!
    this is my entry for the drawing, because I want to make new and exciting cheeses.

  106. Thanks so much for sharing your happy day with us. Congratulations! I've become a confident cheesemaker with your help, and would love to explore more of what you have to offer with the gift certificate and book.

  107. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Who knew the wedding saying “something blue” would mean a block of Gorgonzola? I wish you a life filled with joy.

    Annette Simonds

  108. Congratulations on the wedding! That cheese looks AWESOME!

  109. I have loved trying to make cheese and having a book and some supplies...I might be able to make more! So much fun. Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes for the future!

  110. Congratulations! What a great giveaway!

  111. Wishing the almost newlyweds many years of happiness together. A Coeur a la Creme sounds perfect for the celebration.

  112. Hey there, how exciting, I am getting married in September! Congrats and please enter me into the contest!

  113. Congratulations you two! I hope you guys have many happy years together.

  114. ☛☛ WHAT'S THAT NOISE?? ☚☚

    It's me! Springing to my feet with a mighty yelp of sheer joy at the winning of this most delicious game of chance.

    ♥♥♥♥♥ May the two of you always walk in peace and beauty...♥♥♥♥♥

  115. Congrats to you both! What a cute couple!
    Torbie from San Francisco

  116. enter us. our family cow will be calving next month and all 10 of the Tyree family are excited about making cheese!

  117. great giveaway!! enter me please!!! good luck with the wedding... the mooseletter was great fun to look through... <3

  118. Congratulations! and I would like to be entered into the contest.

  119. You're much older than my wife & I are. We're only 93 years old, but we've been married 26 great years. All the best to the both of you.

  120. Congratulations Ricki and Jamie!
    Looking forward to making the Coeur a la Creme,

  121. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! May to continue to make great cheese together:)

  122. Congratulations for all three special occasions!

  123. Can't wait to try this coeur-la-creme with Suzanne - and to try to win the extras!!!
    We're keeping up with all the festivities . . . how awesome!! MW

  124. Congratulations to you! Picking me as the winner would be a great way to celebrate... :)

  125. Wow, looks delish! The pictures are making me hungry...

    Congrats to Ricki and Jamie!

    Of course I'd love to win! I've dabbled with making some yogurt and a few cheeses and would love to explore more...

  126. What a wonderful pre-wedding album! I enjoyed looking through it and sharing the love. Whether I win a prize or not, my life is better today for having read your story!

  127. From a fellow Leo to another - Happy Birthday! and Congratulations - I loved this last newsletter and all you do. I hope I win - I hope I win...
    Heres to all things "CHEESE"!!
    Jill Gallagher Hollyhock Hollow Pygora Goats

  128. CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes!

  129. Cheese looks fabulous, and congratulations on your wedding - AND the birthdays! So much happy news to celebrate.

  130. Congratulations and Many, Many Blessings!

    What a wonderful giveaway opportunity, I Have been wanting to make different cheese and was not able to afford some of the equipment on SS disability income...hope I win :)

  131. I wish you all the best! I hope to be the lucky winner!


  132. Congrats! Pease enter me in the giveaway!

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Congrats and Happy Birthday!

  135. So exciting! The best of wedding wishes to both of you.

  136. Yummy looking cheese! Think I'll make it for Turkey Day with a cranberry glaze - wouldn't that look great on the table?

  137. Congratulations! And I hope you pick me!

  138. Please enter me into the giveaway, and more importantly, congrats to the happy couple!!! :)

  139. Congratulations! Thanks for thinking of us and spreading the joy! Please enter me in the giveaway.

  140. Hi Guys, congratulations on your wedding and birthdays!
    Whether or not I win this giveaway, I already won by having your recipes, help and encouragement - thank you!



  141. Jeez cheese, please consider me entered! Love the beautiful purple hue of fruit against the pure whiteness of the cheese!

  142. That looks so good! Love the pictures and detailed instructions...Would love to win the giveaway cuz I want to make lots more cheese! Thanks!
    Betsy Gundersen
    Golden Autumn Farm Dairy Goats

  143. I'm SOOOO glad you did the special moosletter! Really enjoyed reading it!

    I tried to comment using my AIM but looks like it didn't get through so I'm trying again. Please enter me for the drawing... And Congrats to you ALL!!!!!


  144. Congrats and happy birthdays!

    I haven't made much cheese lately, too hot down here right now! Anxiously awaiting cooler weather and continue to gather more inspiration here!

  145. Happy birhtdays and congrats!

    Haven't had time and as been much to hot (mostly too humid) down south to make cheese lately. I'm amxiously awaiting cooler weather and continue to gather inspiration from ya'll!!!

    Best of everything to you both!

  146. May the next 120 years bring you good health & happiness! Congratulations :0)

  147. Congratulations & much happiness to you both!

  148. Congratulations, may your lives continue to be blessed.

  149. Congratulations Ricki and Jamie! I love hosting cheese making parties - winning this prize would be cause for another party!

  150. Congratulations! And thank you for the chance to win such a fun gift!

  151. Thanks for this opportunity. :) Congratulations to you two!!! The Mooseletter was super sweet and CHEESEy, ahem.

  152. Congratulations to you both!!! Woohoo!

  153. What a great way to celebrate a wedding! I'd love to be entered. Congratulations!!! :)

  154. I loved the pre-wedding album! This recipes looks so yummy, I'd love to win so I can try making it.

  155. I love reading the newsletter and always look at the great recipes. I'll be having a cheesemaking class at home in Atlanta, GA in September and I can expand my repertoire if I win!

  156. Congratulations to you. I would love to win this giveaway. Please enter me. Thanks

  157. Congrats on the upcoming wedding and birthdays :) Please enter me. Jessica

  158. Congratulations, on one of the most
    Spousal Ties
    Ever !!!

  159. Would love to win, we make cheese a couple times a month and the kids love it!

  160. Congratulations! And yay for the give away!

  161. Congratulations! May you have many happy years together!

    This recipe looks beautiful.

  162. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  163. Congratulations!

    I would love to be entered. I am new to the cheesemaking world & with our first cow giving lots of milk I am ready to dive in.

    Thanks so much!

  164. Looks awesome! Congratulations to the happy couple and thanks for the giveaway!

  165. Happy marriage-ing! Congratulations!

  166. I'm new to this cheese world, but after this weekend, I can't wait to make more. This will be a fabulous prize for some lucky person.

  167. Loved the tour through your castle and grounds! Congratulations, you love birds!

    Dawn Sandner

  168. Loved the tour through your castle and grounds! Congratulations, you love birds!

    Dawn Sandner

  169. Loved the tour through your castle and grounds! Congratulations, you cheesy love birds :)

  170. Not sure if my last post went through? I just said it seems a cheesy way to celebrate your wedding ;)

  171. My entire family thanks you for the chesemaking knowledge you have imparted on me. Thank you for your continued guidance; this newbie greatly appreciates it. Winning the give-away would be further appreciated :)

    Congratulations and many happy, healthy and memorable years to come!!!

  172. Congratulations, hope the marriage ripens well!

  173. CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming nuptials! ~ All I can say is "Long Live the Queen! huh um...... and King!"

  174. Congratulations to you both!! I love your book and I really enjoy receiving the mooseletter also. :)

  175. Congratulations, and may you keep going strong through 240!

  176. Congratulations to the Queen and King of cheesmaking. I would love to win the prize. so I too can enter the happy land De Fromage.

  177. Congrats to the Queen and King of cheesemaking. I would love to the win the prize so I too can enter the happy land De Fromage!!

  178. Thank you so much for the guidance in cheesemaking, I can't wait to graduate from simple cheese curds (my favorite) to some beautiful brie's or fresh squeeky mozzarella, much like the mozzarella my new wife and I had in Italy where we honeymooned two weeks ago! Enjoy your big day, it goes by so fast! Another coincidence? My wife and I started dating in 2004 as well! Good luck!

  179. Enter me! Enter me!! Congrats! :)

  180. Congratulations to the Happy Couple! thanks for making your happy occasion a happy one for us also - two chances to win! yippeeee! please enter me in both contests.
    i wouldn't think of shopping anywhere else for my goats' milk cheeses. excellent quality and great service.

  181. To barbinblackhoof,
    I can't enter you in Suzanne's giveaway- you have to go to her site-Chickens in the Road (links in the article).
    Good luck!

  182. Congratulations on the wedding! I have enjoyed learning from your website and look forward to more cheese adventures!

  183. Can't wait to try this cheese. The one with blueberry sauce looks yummy. Congrats to Jamie and Ricki. Hope you have a wonderful day for your wedding.


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